Ash Wednesday Prayers for Healing in Cameroon

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Last week we excitedly shared how a project in Uganda is poised to open a community medical center. As we start the season on Lent, we are asking you to join us in prayer for another community health project – this time in Cameroon.

Jesus’s fame spread as he spread the gospel and healed the sick. As we pondering the suffering of Christ, may we also be sympathetic to those around the world who suffer in both mind and body.

The Diocese of Cameroon has dreams to offer physical and spiritual healing to the people of Bonabri-Doula. Access to health services is a real need in this undeveloped country. With fewer than two doctors for every 10,000 people, Cameroon’s health care system cannot meet the needs of the country. Poor infrastructure means diseases from unclean water or a lack of sanitation are prevalent. In a more developed nation, these illnesses would be preventable. In Cameroon, cholera and diarrhea are life threatening. While this is the first time ARDF is partnering with this diocese, we have been impressed with their earlier projects and their desire for self-sustainable projects.

“The diocese is reaching both rural and urban areas. In the cities in particular, they are reaching the urban poor, serving people who cannot afford even basic needs. Hepatitis, malaria and even good drinking water are real challenges here. So such health facilities as proposed by the diocese would really help. Tuberculosis [and] HIV/AIDS are a major problem among urban poor.” – Dr. George-Troster Assam, general practitioner and radiologist, Cameroon

Over 18 months, the Anglican Diocese of Cameroon will construct a full service healthcare clinic in the city of Douala. The location, on land already purchased by the diocese, is especially strategic, placed on a highway that serves four of Cameroon’s provinces. While this is he first health clinic built by the diocese, it has implemented many programs to help the needy and is well respected in the community. The photo above is of a building previously completed by the diocese. A business plan is in place and estimates that the clinic will become self sustaining after the second year of operation.

We are excited to partner with the Anglican Church in Cameroon for the first time. Please join us in praying for this partnership and for those that will receive the good news of healing and of Christ through the efforts of the church of Cameroon.

Lord, we pray for the Christian health professionals who do the work You have given them to do in Your name. We praise You for the healings You will bring to the Cameroonians and those that will come to know You in the process.

How to contribute beyond prayer? $738 builds one half of the clinic’s foundation.

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