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Culture week offers opportunity to discover what unites

Somali students perform traditional dance at the UCU Cultural Gala. By Irene Best Nyapendi Kondowole is a Malawian staple food. Made from cassava flour and water, the food is similar to the English posho and is normally eaten with fish. Because its preparation is labor-intensive, the food is not eaten often. It is eaten in […]


10K Campaign: ‘a little could yield a lot’

Prof. Monica Chibita, Dean, UCU School of Journalism, Media and Communication, at left, was one of the contributor participants during the coffee-and-paint 10K fundraising event. In the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic curfews and shutdowns, Uganda Christian University (UCU) devised a strategy to help students pay tuition. That strategy, which is still in effect, is […]


One Body: Hope for the Persecuted Conference – What You Can Do While You Wait

If you’re like me, you think that time goes by way too fast. In spite of the current heat wave, it seems as if we were just celebrating Christmas, never mind Easter and Pentecost, and now…it’s the end of July!  We would like to slow time down for a while. Except, that is, when thinking […]