Anglican Global Mission Partners From the Church to the World

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Anglican Global Mission Partners Unites the needs in the mission field with people
in the pews who are called to serve.

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Join us at the New Wineskins Global Missions Conference, Sept. 26-29, 2019!
News From Partners:

Anglican Adoption Fund Helps Unite Parents with their New Son, RJ

By: Roger and Stephanie Poorman, Anglican Adoption Fund Grant Receipients  On Wednesday, June 26, we received an email about a baby boy born in Florida on June 8. He was born a little early and was in the NICU, waiting for a family to adopt him. We waited anxiously over the weekend to find out […]


Words Matter in Advocating

By: Canon Georgette Forney When you hear or read the word abortion, what comes to mind?  Do you immediately think Democrat or Republican party platforms? Does your imagination center on the words of Genesis 1:27, “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he […]


Buganda princess, a UCU graduate, aspires to serve

Phiona Tebattagwabwe Luswata, manager of Beri Cottages in Arua By Patty Huston-Holm Ronald Edward Frederick Kimera Muwenda Mutebi II is the current and 36th kabaka (aka king) of the Buganda Kingdom, which is the largest and wealthiest among Uganda’s 56 tribes. Once a prince, he has five children – two princes and three princesses.  “I’m […]


A Future for Life: How You Can Help Her PLAN

By: Chaney Mullins Gooley False claims about pro-life support for women and infants are all too commonplace. Supposedly, we don’t care about serving women, only passing pro-life laws. Supposedly, we don’t care about babies after they are born, we are only “pro-birth”. Supposedly, we don’t care about the woman and her future, but only care […]


New Wineskins Conference Testimony from Alex Rivas

The 2022 New Wineskins Missions Conference was the second one I attended. I was amazed at my first one in 2019. I felt a call to the mission field when I was twelve. In 2011, I went on my first trip and have been on several short-term trips, mainly in Southeast Asia. I was overwhelmed […]


Alum helps people with ‘devastating life conditions’ in West Nile region

Pakwach informal netball team with (seated, left to right) Sailas Okwairwoth, Otim Moses and Ayerango Annette By Patty Huston-Holm In a brief break from a netball game on a dirt-surfaced court in the Uganda West Nile Pakwach District, 14-year-old Kaboth Sharon, shifting from one bare foot to the other, was asked in English how she […]


UCU student shares experience of representing Uganda at international sports event

Ainamaani (second-left) during a game By Pauline Luba In Runyankole, a local dialect in Uganda, the name Ainamaani means “God has power.” It is a name that usually denotes the family’s reverence of God’s ability to accomplish His will in every situation. That is the name Oriho Silver, an engineer and Kyokusiima Leonard, a businesswoman, […]


Pregnancy Resource Center Chaplaincy

By: T. Leighton Ryder, Dcn. In the field of Christian chaplain ministry, we often think of chaplaincy in the following environments; in the military where the chaplain belongs to a unit and provides spiritual care to soldiers who are on base; in hospitals where the chaplain makes their visitation rounds providing spiritual comfort to patients […]


UCU community runs for mental wellness

Some of the students after the run By Kefa Senoga It was a race more about cause than competition. And the cause was raising awareness about mental health among the members of the community of Uganda Christian University (UCU).  On September 21, 2024, the UCU community participated in a mental health run, primarily to bring […]


Bishop Chorey’s rise amidst Karamoja’s turmoil

Archbishop Stephen Kaziimba of the Church of Uganda introducing Bishop Michael Chorey to the congregation. By Kefa Senoga Before he was ordained deacon in 2003, Bishop Michael Chorey, the newly consecrated bishop of Karamoja Diocese, was already involved in Christian ministry, serving in different capacities as a missionary and lay reader. During one of his […]


Praying for the Persecuted: The Anglican Persecuted Church Network

This blog post was originally published on Anglican Compass on September 24, 2024, and is reposted with permission.     As Anglicans, we have been taught about the power of prayer in the Kingdom of God. But do we realize such prayer should focus on fellow Christians, and especially on those who are persecuted for […]


Engineering faculty trains Mukono farmers on biogas technology

Dr. Miria Agunyo explains to farmers the benefits of using fresh waste to make biogas By Irene Best Nyapendi Waste was once defined only as something with no purpose, but this is no longer the case.  The definition of waste as something useless is not accurate among a growing number of Uganda Christian University (UCU) […]


From student to director: Emily’s USP Journey

Emily Entsminger (fourth from left) with some Uganda Studies Program (USP) staff By Kefa Senoga In 2007, Emily Entsminger left her home country, the United States (US), for the first time to come to Uganda as a student under the Uganda Studies Program (USP). In 2022, she returned to Uganda to serve on the USP […]


UCU alum spearheads cryptocurrency in Uganda

Abel Namureba is passionate about cryptocurrency. By Pauline Luba At 29 years old, Abel Namureba has earned the “face of cryptocurrency” nickname in Uganda. He is a passionate fintech (short for “financial technology”) enthusiast. Namureba’s educational journey began at Hormisdallen Primary School. He went to  Seroma Christian High School for his O-Levels, and Turkish Light […]


UCU master’s research focus on money laundering

Evelyn Zawedde is a Senior Associate at Ortus Advocates By Irene Best Nyapendi The main reason Evelyn Zawedde chose a career in law was to ensure equity and justice in the world. And for the 10 years that she has been practicing law, she has examples to illustrate her impact in that quest. Here is […]


Seeti: The farmer who never liked farming

Mark Seeti, dairy farmer and UCU student By Pauline Luba Mark Seeti didn’t like farming.  Though his mother tried her best to nudge him into an agriculture career, he remained adamant against it. When Seeti stopped thinking of education after completing Senior Six (grade 12 or the senior year in American high schools), and following […]


Athlete narrates journey of injury bounce back

Okello Frank By Kefa Senoga Tuesday, May 14, 2024, began like any other day for Frank Okello. As usual, he woke up early to do his routine morning exercise. However, he was not able to complete that run. Okello fell into a pothole, fracturing his right leg.  “As I lay on the ground in severe […]


‘Education adds value to a person’

Challote Mbabazi on the day she graduated with a master’s degree By Kefa Senoga (final of four parts – UCU postgraduate focus) By the time Challote Mbabazi completed her Bachelor of Arts with Education from Uganda Christian University (UCU) in 2020, she had saved up to sh5million ($1,357) from the pocket money her parents gave […]


Sister Mary’s ‘endless call’ to help abandoned children

Sister Mary Nakitto, master’s degree in Social Work By Christine Mirembe (third of four parts – UCU postgraduate focus) With a heart called to serve, Sister Mary Nakitto devotes her life to abandoned zero- to three-year-old children, providing them with love, support and a chance for a brighter future.  The recent Uganda Christian University (UCU) […]


UCU alum breaks barriers in nursing

Otim Douglas Tonny, July 2024 UCU Masters in Nursing graduate By Pauline Luba (second of four parts – UCU postgraduate focus) “Men are doctors, while women are nurses.” These words were told to Otim Douglas Tonny repeatedly as he worked as a nurse in Northern Uganda, working against a stereotype and stigmatization in the field […]

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