Day 26: Night of Power

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milky way with silhouette of evergreen trees in foreground

Photo by Ryan Hutton on Unsplash

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8

Today’s devotional is from Lovefast and was written by Phil at Mahabba:

“Whether or not the Muslims in your town observe the Night of Power this evening, another evening near this date, or every evening in the last ten days, they will all be praying and seeking similar things. Cornelius in Caesarea was praying constantly to God and saw a vision; Saul in Damascus was praying and saw a vision. As a result, they met Peter and Ananias – and through them, Jesus. As we pray for Muslims to have dreams and see visions tonight, are we ready to be sought out, interpret their dreams and introduce them to Jesus?

“Pray for the Muslims you know, that tonight they would have dreams and visions of Jesus.”

Watch this video by Thomas Nelson Publishers.

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