We Need Men: The Call to Love

Originally posted at: https://anglicansforlife.org/2019/11/05/we-need-men-the-call-to-love/

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Boys say when.  Girls say why.

Boys get mad.  Girls they cry. 

The words are the chorus of an old song by a band called The Producers that I listened to in high school.  Although then too young to understand what the words meant, I did wonder at their meaning.  Now, having lived longer and seen more, and particularly having been married for a while, the words are not quite as mysterious to me, even as they remain poignant.  Men’s sexuality differs from women’s sexuality.  Yes, I know that not all men are the same and not all women are the same, but generally speaking, men and women see and experience sex differently.  In short (and, again, generally), men are more apt to emphasize the sex, women more the relationship.  In my years as a husband, as pastor, a friend, a reader, or a movie watcher, I have rarely heard of or seen a woman seeking to coerce an unwilling man into sex.  I know it happens, and I suspect it will happen more frequently as our world seeks to erase differences between sexes.  But I doubt it happens much.  Ours is not a world where women are exposed as sexual predators.  Nor will it ever be. 

sexuality is a God-given gift to men.  On
the surface, it may not appear so, for many men would wish that women were just
like them, and just as eager for sex as they are.  What has been called the “hook-up”
culture—supported by contraception and abortion which seek to eliminate the
unwelcome (yet entirely natural) consequence of pregnancy—is a boon to men,
allowing men to get what they want, without requiring them to invest deeply in
a woman.  In other words, men can get
what they want without learning how to love. 

lies the gift to men.  A woman’s
sexuality pushes a man to become what he too often is not but keenly needs to
become.  Men need to learn to love.  A man needs to learn to invest deeply in a
woman, for her sake and not for what he can get from her.  Men who are able to get sex apart from love
simply confirm themselves in a selfishness that pervades all areas of
life.  It is interesting to me that our
cultural conversation concerning sex speaks much of rights, but little of
love.  Rights are about what I am
entitled to.  Love is about what I give
for another. 

is this written more clearly or beautifully than in the Scriptures:

Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the
church and gave himself up for her, that he might sanctify her, having cleansed
her by the washing of water with the word, so that he might present the church
to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she
might be holy and without blemish. In the same way husbands should love their
wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself. For no one ever
hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the
church, because we are members of his body. “Therefore a man shall leave his
father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one
flesh.” This mystery is profound, and I am saying that it refers to Christ and
the church. However, let each one of you love his wife as himself, and let the
wife see that she respects her husband (Ephesians 5:25-33). 

In the end, men are called to love, because that is what
Christ does.  As Christ gives himself up
for his bride, the Church, so a husband gives himself up for his wife.  That happens in a thousand little and
not-so-little ways.  But one of the
cardinal ways it happens is by refusing to seek sex before its time.  A man who loves a woman will never ask her to
be vulnerable and give herself to him apart from the protection of marriage—the
commitment that he will love her and serve her for better or for worse, and
until death.  Of course, a woman may
willingly sleep with a man, but it is usually because she desires
relationship.  The man who puts her
desires ahead of his own is a man who is learning to love. 

I believe in and am thankful for the efforts many make to protect women, men, and (particularly unborn) children from abortion.  But even more than changing laws or providing abortion alternatives, the world needs men—men who have learned to love and therefore put others before themselves.  Especially women. 

Written by the Rev. Dr. W. Ross Blackburn. Rev. Blackburn is the Rector of Christ the King, an Anglican Fellowship in Boone, NC and an Anglicans for Life’s Board Member.

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