Pilgrimage: Knocking on the Door

Originally posted at: https://www.global-teams.net/blog/general/2018/11/09/pilgrimage-knocking-on-the-door/


people in Chennai, India train station. Photo by Barbara Dugnolle

15 Days of Prayer for the Hindu World: Day 13

After traveling hundreds of miles, first by train and then by jeep, the barefoot family begins to climb the steep hill. They seek the glacier from where the holy Ganges River begins its long journey southward. Their ageing grandmother wishes to see the sacred site and receive the blessing of her god. Her oldest grandson assists her while the younger children run on ahead.

Spiritual pilgrimage is of great importance to Hindus, and each year many families make such journeys in search of a blessing from one of the gods.

Many pilgrimage sites are spread across the Indian subcontinent, each holding particular significance for different sects of Hindus. Some may travel to the “Four Abodes of God” – the historical temple sites of Badrinath, Dwarka, Jagannath Puri, and Rameshwaram. Many north Indians go to the Himalayan sites of Yamunotri, Gangotri, Kedarnath, and Badrinath.

The Hindi word for pilgrimage can mean “a ford in a river”, and many believe there is a metaphorical river separating them from the gods. Crossing requires the help of a boatman – a true teacher to carry them there. “For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened.” (Matthew 7:8). Today, let our prayers be for those Hindus who are always seeking. Let a cry rise for the pilgrims who have yet to find Jesus.

Ways to Pray

  1. Pray that Hindu peoples would knock on the door of relationship to the one true God and that He, in His great grace, would answer.
  2. Pray for the millions of Hindu pilgrims who set aside time for searching each year, that they will encounter Christ in dreams and visions and turn to Him as their Savior.
  3. Pray that Hindus would hear and respond to the good news of Jesus, who is the true boatman and only path to reconciliation between man and God.

Source: Hindu World Prayer Guide, worldchristian.com
Photo of train station in Chennai, India by Barbara Dugnolle

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