Lent 2018: God’s Grace is Sufficient

Originally posted at: https://agmp-na.org/2018/02/12/lent-2018-gods-grace-is-sufficient/


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This page will help you pray through the various ARDF projects highlighted in the 2018 Lenten Prayer Guide.

Ash Wednesday – Healthcare in Cameroon
Can you imagine living where there are only two doctors for every 10,000 citizens? That is the reality for people living in Cameroon! The Diocese of Cameroon will build a Christian health clinic and will have the opportunity to share that God is the ultimate healer! If you drive near a doctor’s office, hospital, or medical building on your way to church, will you pray for the church in Cameroon and their desire to offer physical and spiritual healing to their people?
Lord, we pray for the Christian health professionals who do the work You have given them to do in Your name. We praise You for the healings You will bring to the Cameroonians and those that will come to know You in the process.

Explore this project further and read the entire research report here.

How to contribute beyond prayer? $738 builds half of the clinic’s foundation.

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