#GivingTuesday Giveaway!
Originally posted at: https://agmp-na.org/2017/11/14/givingtuesday-giveaway/
ARDF is participating in #GivingTuesday 2017
And we couldn’t be more excited!
#GivingTuesday is a global initiative that encourages all of us to give back and celebrate the power of generosity. As we start thinking about Christmas shopping for our friends and loved ones, let’s also remember the people around the world who lack the basic necessities of life that we take for granted.
Stir a passion in us to give away what we’ve been given
That we may follow after You – Jordan Ware, Follow After You
This year we are partnering with the musician, Jordan Ware, who has written a new song in honor of ARDF. She is giving away her new song, Follow After You, to anyone who gives more than $15 to ARDF on Tuesday November 28, 2017.
On Tuesday, November 28, partner ARDF. Your contribution will empower Anglicans in the developing world to show the love of Christ to those in need in their own communities.
Let your friends and family know about your partnership with ARDF. Share your experiences on social media with #GivingTuesday!
You can learn more about #GivingTuesday at their official site here.
Help raise awareness:
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